
I’ve never been a great walker. But just before the pandemic hit, I moved to a remote location nestled in the vast open landscapes of the Suffolk countryside.

Shortly after, we adopted Lulu, a gorgeous Sicilian rescue puppy and, all of a sudden, whether I liked it or not, that little black bundle of energy demanded multiple walks a day across deserted open fields.

I’d put my headphones on, fire up the latest podcast and set off for an hour or two. It was Summer. Afternoons and evenings mainly.


I was standing at the top of a low hill while Lulu was snuffling.

Lulu was pink! 

And for what was probably the first time in a few months of walking I paid attention to the sky.

And I was blown away.

So I took a photo.

First of Lulu...

and then the sky.

Over the following weeks I kept noticing just how awe inspiring the skies were. With such vast open, and flat landscapes there’s very little obscuring the views – something I’d never really noticed anywhere else. There’s always trees or buildings or hills interfering with the scope and scale.

And over the weeks I took more and more photos. I love how the scale of the horizon highlights the vastness of the clouds and brings awareness to the enormity of this infinite space that encompasses us.

These skies are as I saw them, with minimal re-touching to sharpen imagery or adjust contrast. I hope they go some way to convey the staggering variety and vastness of the amazing Suffolk Skies, in a way that maybe we don’t appreciate on a daily basis.
